Monday, August 26, 2019

Points to Consider: Captiva Island Homes for Sale

Captiva Island’s small size and correspondingly small number of dwellings affects its real estate market and the number of Captiva Island homes for sale. The scarcity of property and the island’s proximity to the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico and the Intracoastal Waterway also helps keep home prices and their values high.

Captiva Island can only be reached by water or by the bridge over Blind Pass that connects it to Sanibel Island. This limited access, relative remoteness and small size affects the number of visitors and provides a layer of privacy to residents. Captiva has a small year-round population of only approximately 600. As a consequence, Captiva Island homes for sale are popular with those seeking a quiet retreat for themselves and their families.

Captiva Island homes for sale can also come with larger, estate sized parcels. These properties are larger than most on Sanibel Island or urban Fort Myers. Many properties have both beach and bay access, meaning that the property straddles the narrow island. Fortunate home owners might have the luxury of a boat dock on one side of their property and a wide beach from which to watch the sunset on the other. Because vacant land is also scarce it has become common to purchase smaller, existing homes and replace them with newer and larger structures. These newer homes will typically have more unique and special amenities.

As a designated Sanibel & Captiva Island Specialist I have years of experience with the island and would be happy to provide you with a current and realistic assessment of this market.

Remember that your future profit will be made on your purchase and that buying right is crucial to that goal.

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